Tireless or Exhausted to Death?
70% doctors go without 6 hours of daily sleep for 3 weeks in a month.
Healing Our Healers: A Network of Care
Developing a comprehensive suite of support services for doctors, nurses and paramedics. Powered by friends & family. Free for undergraduate students.
Mental Health Consults
Therapy ain’t easy. Talk to us find the right counselor or support group.
Legal Consults
Know your rights. Learn how to take action against discrimination or harassment.
Tech Consults
Admin & paperwork shouldn’t be a burden for health workers.
Research Assistance
Want to learn data analysis software or find an intern to help with it, we’ve got you!
Paperwork Assistance
Focus on patients. We’ll navigate govt guidelines & paperwork for you.
(coming soon!)
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“A healthy society needs healthy healers”
From the Humans of Healthcare Blog
A second-hand rant
Or, why “First, do no harm” feels like a scam
Putting the Horse Before the Court
First, do no harm? No, no. First, type the form.
Residents’ Wellness Survey Jan 2023
“How are you doing, doctor?” is a bad question to ask residents.
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